KYDS awarded $25,000 grant!

| May 04, 2024

KYDS is proud to announce the receipt of a $25,000 grant from Lindfield & Districts Community Bank in recognition of the critical role we play in the mental health of young people in our community.  

In response to the escalating demand for our vital service, and to help support the rapid growth of KYDS, we have embarked on a strategy of consolidation. This investment by Lindfield & Districts Community Bank is directed towards ensuring our systems, structures, policies and processes are robust and tailored for the size of our organisation. It will help ensure we are able to fulfil our regulatory compliance obligations and assist us in securing essential funding that is needed to continue operating a service at this capacity. 

The escalating demand for our services reflects the unfortunate challenges young people face in today’s world. In 2022/23, KYDS received an average of 27 referrals per month, representing a 71% increase on the previous year. Factors contributing to this rise include an increase in young individuals experiencing mental health symptoms, heightened awareness of KYDS’ services, and our commitment to a “no wrong door” approach in our region. 

During this period of rapid growth and funding uncertainty, our CEO, Dr. Anthony Rigney, has not only led the organisation but continued to provide clinical services two days a week. KYDS recently engaged an experienced operational leader on a part-time basis to help support us in achieving our consolidation objectives, reinforcing all systems, structures and processes. This puts us in a better position to apply for and receive the vital government funding we require for service provision.

Thank you to Lindfield & Districts Community Bank for supporting initiatives that directly impact the well-being of our community.